Physical Therapy for Women of All Ages

Women's Health
Women’s Health PT is a holistic approach to helping women with common conditions such as leaking of urine, bowel issues like constipation or leaking, urgency and frequency of urination, pregnancy related discomfort, postpartum problems such as diastasis and tears, prolapse symptoms, digestive disorders, and pelvic pain. While these issues are common, they are never normal and a PT who specializes in Women’s Health can often make a huge impact in your quality of life.
What Can I Help You With?

Pelvic Pain
Studies have estimated that 14 to 32 percent of women of childbearing age suffer from chronic pelvic pain. The causes for pelvic pain are numerous but are often caused by muscles, nerves, or musculoskeletal dysfunction. Very often, women suffer for years and are bounced from one provider to another without answers, Physical Therapy can often help women understand their pain and find ways to improve their quality of life and reach their goals. PT’s can treat everything from postpartum pain, vulvodynia, pain due to adenomyosis or endometriosis, pain from pelvic inflammatory disease, IBS related pain, interstitial cystitis, Levator ani syndrome, and more. If you have pain in the pelvis, it is worth exploring this with a Physical Therapist to see how you can improve your quality of life and add this tool to your treatment toolbox.
Pregnancy & Postpartum
Did you know that you don’t actually have to suffer through nine months of pain just because you are pregnant? So often women are told that if they just hang in there their pain will get better after delivery. Often, it doesn’t. Physical Therapy can be a big help during pregnancy by helping women manage or treat their pain, understand safe ways of moving throughout their pregnancy, and educate them on labor and birth positions. PT’s also educate women in the postpartum period, teaching them how to move safely, how to return to exercise, how to take care of scars or injuries from birth. We treat diastasis recti, help moms get back to playing with their children without leaking, and help them reach their goals.

A prolapse is when an organ in the pelvis falls down away from its original position. This can be caused by a number of reasons including pregnancy/childbirth, chronic constipation, abdominal or pelvic surgeries, weakness in the pelvic floor, etc. Often women are fearful because they think surgery is the only option. This is certainly not always the case. Many times, with the proper education and hands-on treatments, women are able to fully manage their prolapse and return to their normal life and activities. Treating a prolapse requires a holistic approach, and Pelvic Health PT’s are well trained in this condition, no matter what type of prolapse you may have.
Female incontinence is very “in” right now. With commercials all over TV touting the benefits of adult diapers under your fancy dresses, Facebook and Instagram ads for special underwear you can pee in without leaking, and gyms glamorizing peeing when you workout as “cool,” it’s everywhere. The worst part is that it’s been made to be seen as normal. Guess what. It is NEVER NORMAL to leak on yourself. Urinary and fecal incontinence are both common issues that women deal with at various times in their lives, but it’s never normal, and it’s never something they should live with. Physical Therapy looks at the big picture: how you move, how you breath, where your weaknesses are, etc. to make sure that you are able to play with your kids, run the 5K, jump at the trampoline park without leaking.

Bowel health
Physical Therapists are trained to look at the big picture. Constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain can often be a culprit in other conditions such as low back pain or pelvic pain. We work with patients with chronic constipation, IBS, fecal incontinence, and more to help them take their lives back and get back to doing what they love to do.